Dr. Christian


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Do you have a question or a request? We are happy to help! Personal contact is very important to us. On this page you can find our contact information. Applications cannot be submitted to MIVA directly, but are submitted through our strategic partners.


Please give us a call. We can be reached by phone from Monday to Thursday from 9:00AM until 5:00PM. Phone number: +31 (0)76 521 71 50

Address & Directions

Havensingel 26
5211 TX  ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands

MIVA can be reached easily by public transport. It only takes a 5-minute walk from the train station of ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

Bank account

IBAN: NL42 INGB 0000 0029 50


Wil je een wijziging doorgeven of een vraag stellen? Onderstaand contactformulier maakt het je gemakkelijk. Rechtstreeks een e-mail versturen kan natuurlijk ook.

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